The Native Village of Kipnuk is located in Southwest Alaska. The population is approximately 650 people. The school is part of the Lower Kuskokwim School District. The majority of the population is Yup’ik. The people live mostly a subsistence lifestyle. Below is more information on Kipnuk.
Data (Year 2000)
Population: 644
Males: 364 (56.5%)
Females: 280 (43.5%)
Median resident age: 20.6
Zip code: 99614
– Yup’ik (98.0%)
– White Non-Hispanic (2.0%)
Nearest Villages: Chefornak (20 miles), Kwigillingok (35 miles), Kongiganak (50 miles), Tuntutuliak (75 miles)
Latitude: 59.94 N, Longitude: 164.04 W
Passenger air carriers with scheduled service to Kipnuk: Hageland Aviation
Cargo carriers: Ryan Air, Hageland Aviation, Yute Air
Community Pictures